Image and Reputation….What a Difference A Day Makes

eyetoeyelogoIn the world of Public Relations, image is extremely important. When you take “image” and “reputation” and blend them together, you end up with “credibility.” Consumers carry images in their minds about products and brands. So, it’s important for a company to be clear on the impressions it wants to make to its customers, the benefits it provides and what are its key differentiators. PR can make a difference in this area.

While “image” is planned and crafted, “reputation” comes from the actual experience a consumer has with the brand. Did the product work? Are the service levels and quality impressive? Based on the customer experience, a brand is either provided a positive or negative reputation. That’s why social media has had such a big impact on branding. Actual customer ratings and comments influence the reputation of the brand, product or service in real-time. Social ratings from friends carry even more weight. Our client Wajam knows a thing or two about social recommendations.

The Academy Awards reflect positively on the reputation of people in movie industry who are nominated and judged by the Academy, which is made of of actors, writers, directors, designers, cinematographers, film editors, make-up artists, musicians and producers. For months, members of the Academy experience every film first-hand and evaluate their choices. Receiving an Oscar propels an actor’s reputation to the highest levels. While I’m sure every actor hopes to one day receive an Academy Award, only those who actually have their names called know what a difference that day makes. New opportunities open, winners’ pay rates increase and their credibility within their given specialty increases too. Continue reading